Wednesday, December 20, 2006

december 2006 in Whistler
Let it snow let it snow!!!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Now in Whistler!!!

Hi! after a great season in New-Zealand , I am now at Whsitler. The season start pretty well... we have a lottttttttt of snow! Don't be shy and come to enjoy!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Friday, September 01, 2006

Friday, August 25, 2006

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Wakatipu Group .

Have fun! See you next year

Monday, August 21, 2006

Friday, August 11, 2006

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Friday, July 28, 2006

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Monday, July 24, 2006

Come on and Play!

Who said that school need to be boring?

Visit Queenstown!

Queenstown !!!

View from Ferhill


Encourager mes sponsors... faite juste un petit clic la haut!!!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

They say that a picture is more than words...Imagine in REAL!!!

Queenstown and the Lake view from coronet.

View from the parkin lot in the morning!!!

Be the first on the slope!

Ride this and get it on tape !

During the time that you have fun going down in the expert part of the mountain,I will catch you on tape and give you a DVD. See you at the bottom!!!

Yes! you can ride this at Coronet!

I can help you to reach the top and find the best line!!!

Bob moniteur de ski a Coronet Nouvelle-Zélande

On me surnomme Bob et je suis du Quebec au Canada. J'enseigne maintenant en Nouvelle-Zelande pour l'été (hiver pour ici)jusqu'a la fin septembre sinon plus si le temp nous le permet. J'enseigne depuis plus de 8 saisons a plein temps. J'ai enseigné pour le Club med Au Japon ainsi qu'a Crested Butte (Colorado)et dans d'autre station de ski de niveau internationale dont Sunshine Village a Banff et Mont Tremblant (Quebec) au Canada.

Si vous voulez plus d'information sur la ville de Queestown ou pour les leçons de ski n'hesitez pas a me contacter

J'offre de filmer lors des lessons privée d'une journée et plus et de vous remettre un DVD que l'on visionnera ensemble lors d'un apres ski derriere un verre...!!!

A bientot!



See you at the Early bird lesson and pay less!!!

Enjoy this kind of view early in the morning and start your day with a good warm up to prevent enjuries and enjoy a longer day in the slope!!!

BOB SKI Instructor

My name is Bob and I am a ski instructor for more than 8 seasons now. I like to ski in a deep powder, ride in the park, find line on challenging terrain, help new skier to improve to be able to reach the top of the mountain. I had teach in Mont Tremblant ,Quebec (Canada), Sunshine Village, Banff (Canada), Crested Butte, Colorado (USA), Sahoro (Japan) and Coronet Peak, Queenstown (New-Zealand). I speak english, french and japanesse (good base). I offer my service for the season 2006 (now to end of season) in Coronet Peak for private lesson (single or group 2-5) at any level included freestyle. If you book for a full day or more I offer you to film and Edit a DVD of the lesson for you. For more information contact me by e-mail at .